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Bringing Symbols to Life – The gymnastic exercises


Exchange with the people of our cells

Treasures hidden in very simple exercises based on powerful symbols because “every one of our gestures resounds in space”.

Part One – Embodying spiritual truths
The treasures hidden in very simple exercises
From movement to light
The population of our cells

Part Two – Inhabiting sacred figures
Symbols, the language of Cosmic Intelligence
First exercise: the triangle of the spirit
Second exercise: the triangle of matter
The meeting of the two triangles: the seal of Solomon
Third exercise: the solar disc
Fourth exercise: Schin
Fifth exercise: the caduceus of Hermes
Sixth exercise: the cross
Seventh exercise: Aleph
Eighth exercise: infinity

Part Three – Every gesture we make resonates in space
Part Four – Description of the gymnastic exercises
(related notes compiled by the editor)

Three important notes
Description of the exercises


Synoptic table
Preliminary remarks
First exercise
Second exercise
Third exercise
Fourth exercise
Fifth exercise
Sixth exercise
Seventh exercise
Eighth exercise

The final greeting
