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In Spirit and in Truth


The importance of expanding our awareness

Beyond any form of belief or religion, the most important learning for every human being is the expansion of consciousness. It consists of coming out of our small, personal and limited self to enter the immense universal community of beings through a fusion between divine consciousness and human consciousness.

1 – The Framework of the Universe
2 – The Divine Office of Weights and Measures
3 – The Link with the Centre
4 – Reaching for the Top
5 – From Multiplicity to Unity
6 – Building the Edifice
7 – Contemplating the Truth: Isis Unveiled
8 – Garment of Light
9 – The Skin
10 – The Perfume of Eden
11 – ‘In Spirit and in Truth’
12 – An Image Can Be a Support for Prayer
13 – The Spirit is not Held Captive in Relics
14 – Speak to the Spirit of Those You Love
15 – The Sun, the Quintessence of Religion
16 – The Truth of the Sun is in Giving
17 – The Kingdom of God is Within
