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Sons and Daughters of God


Respect and cultivate our divine seed

Two thousand years ago, Jesus affirmed that, whatever their race, their culture, their social affiliation, all human beings are essentially equal before God because in them flows divine life which also makes them brothers and sisters of all creation. He set an example, among other things, by showing great respect, kindness and compassion towards women. He taught us that to reject a human being, to despise him, to humiliate him, is to consider that he is not a creature of God. It is in this love of neighbor that a universal brotherhood can be born and that we will manifest that we are really children of the Father and of the Heavenly Mother.

1 – ‘I came that they may have life’
2 – Blood, vehicle of the soul
3 – ‘Whoever would save his life will lose it’
4 – ‘Leave the dead to bury their own dead’
5 – ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only Son’
6 – Jesus: ‘high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek’
7 – The man Jesus and the cosmic principle of the Christ
8 – Christmas and Easter: two pages in the book of Nature
9 – The birth of the Christ-Child
10 – Jesus: dead and resurrected?
11 – Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross: the powers of blood
12 – ‘Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water’
13 – Sons and daughters of God are brothers and sisters to everyone
14 – Populate the earth with sons and daughters of God
