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You Are Gods’


“You Are Gods” deals with the two natures of the human being, with a particular focus on his divine nature: how to recognize it in oneself and in others. This book also offers practical exercises to develop it.

Part I – ‘You Are Gods’
1 – ‘Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect’
2 – ‘The Father and I are One’
3 – The Return to the House of the Father
Part II – What is human nature?
1 – Lower Nature and Higher Nature
2 – ‘No One can Serve Two Masters’
3 – The Three Great Temptations
4 – Taking and Giving
5 – The Voice of Our Higher Nature
6 – Sensitivity to the Divine World
7 – ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’
Part III – ‘So God created humankind in his image
1 – God, Nature, and Humankind
2 – The Tree of Life
3 – From Seed to Tree
4 – The Sun, Image of God and Image of Humankind
5 – ‘You Shall Love the Lord Your God’
Part IV – The laws of destiny : 1 The Laws of Nature and Moral Laws
I – The Law of Cause and Effect
II – The Law of Recording
III – The Law of Resonance
IV – The Law of Affinity
2 – Reincarnation
I – The Teaching of the Gospels
II – Making Sense of Fate
III – We Create our Own Future
Part V – Answers to the question of evil
1 – God Transcends Good and Evil
2 – The Only Way to Triumph over Evil is to Learn to Use it
3 – ‘Evil can be Compared to Tenants’
Part VI – Spiritual alchemy
1 – How to Extract the Quintessence
2 – The Image of the Tree – Grafting
3 – The Fire of Sacrifice
4 – From Movement to Light: Replacing Pleasure with Work
5 – Learn to Eat and so Learn to Love
Part VII – The organs of spiritual knowledge : 1 – The Aura
2 – The Solar Plexus
I – The Solar Plexus and the Brain
II – Oil in the Lamp
3 – The Hara Centre
4 – The Kundalini Force and the Chakras
Part VIII – Living in eternal life
1 – ‘And This is Eternal Life, that They may Know You, the Only True God’
2 – ‘Know Thyself’
3 – Merging with the Cosmic Soul and Spirit
Part IX – The paths of divinization
1 – The Feast of Christmas
2 – The Second Birth
3 – The Resurrection and the Last Judgement
4 – The Body of Glory

Biblical references – Index
