Complete Works
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Love and Sexuality (2)


The difference between interested love and selfless love

Following on from the previous volume, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov focuses here on the two kinds of love that exist: interested and disinterested. When we say “I love” do we ask questions about the nature of this love? The author explains to us that selfless love does not expect anything from others, it does not worry, it does not cling to them and does not disturb them. Whereas interested love, on the contrary, acts on beings like a constraint: it only seeks to take and it brings with it impatience, disappointment, anger, jealousy and anguish. While disinterested love is a new life that makes its way and makes beings more and more free, strong and happy.

1 – A Question of Attitude
2 – True Marriage
3 – The Sun is the Source of Love
4 – The Goal of Love is Light
5 – The Manifestations of the Masculine and Feminine Principles
6 – Master or Mistress?
7 – Vestal Virgins; the New Eve
8 – Materialism, Idealism and Sexuality – ‘On Earth as in Heaven’
9 – Heart and Mind; the Universal White Brotherhood
10 – Seek the Soul and the Spirit
11 – Restoring Love to its Pristine Purity
12 – Love Transforms Matter
13 – Love and Identification
14 – The Task of a Disciple
15 – Open Yourself to Others and They Will Love You
16 – Tantra-Yoga
17 – Emptiness and Fullness: the Holy Grail
18 – Love is Everywhere
19 – Look for Love at its Source
20 – Know How to Use Your Powers of Love
21 – A Broader Concept of Marriage, Part IV
22 – It Rises from Earth and Descends from Heaven
23 – The Secret of Happiness is in an Expanded Consciousness
24 – ‘Whatever you Bind on Earth’
25 – Love God so as to Love Your Neighbour Better
26 – Live Lovingly
27 – Our Only Weapons: Love and Light
28 – Never Stop Loving
29 – Towards a Broader Concept of the Family

Complete Works