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Youth: Creators of the Future


For a youthful, actor of his life

Today new currents, which the author associates with the Age of Aquarius, are beginning to pour into the world, marking the end of a cycle of which we are more or less aware. At a crossroads, young people are already carrying a new world, a new relationship to time and to this form of acceleration of our society. This current youth seeks more to control its destiny and to be an actor in its life. However its ardor, its energy, its impulses and aspirations must be channeled so that this youth brings something subtle, pure, luminous which inspires and stimulates. While this book is recommended for young parents, it is aimed above all at adolescents to whom Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov delivers many valuable, enlightening, practical and visionary advice.

1 – Youth, a World in Gestation
2 – The Foundation Stone of Life: Faith in a Creator
3 – A Sense of the Sacred
4 – The Voice of our Higher Nature
5 – Choosing the Right Direction
6 – Knowledge Cannot Give Meaning to Life
7 – Character Counts for More than Knowledge
8 – Learning to Handle Success and Failure
9 – Recognize the Aspirations of Soul and Spirit
10 – The Divine World, Our Own Inner World
11 – Did you Choose Your Own Family?
12 – Benefit From the Experience of Older People
13 – Compare Yourself to Those Who Are Greater
14 – The Will Must be Sustained by Love
15 – Never Admit Defeat
16 – Never Give Way to Despair
17 – Artists of the Future
18 – Sexual Freedom
19 – Preserve the Poetry of Your Love
20 – Members of One Universal Family (I) (II)
